NZW says time-of-use cap amounts to energy rationing

Net Zero Watch is warning that consumers are going to pay the price for the UK’s failing electricity system. The campaign group’s statement comes after Ofgem announced that it wanted to introduce a time-of-use price cap.

As renewables start to dominate the grid, prices need to rise dramatically when the wind isn’t blowing if supply and demand are to balance. But the current fixed price cap prevents this from happening, hence Ofgem’s announcement.

Net Zero Watch director Andrew Montford said:

This is energy rationing in all but name. It is not for the benefit of consumers, it’s papering over the cracks in the renewables-led grid.”

Since as far back as 2021, Mr Montford has been warning that smart meters would be used to ration electricity during wind lulls.

Notes for editors

A Montford, Smart Homes and Energy Rationing. Briefing 56, GWPF, 2021.

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