School education, Net Zero and climate policies: Teach to debate

Net Zero Watch welcomes new guidance on impartiality in schools and will monitor compliance

London, 18 February 2022 - Net Zero Watch has given the thumbs up to new government guidelines reminding teachers of their legal duty to remain impartial on contentious issues surrounding climate and energy policies.

UK law states that teachers must not promote partisan political views such as contested Net Zero policies, having a duty to offer a balanced overview of opposing political views about different approaches to tackle climate change are taught.
Net Zero Watch's director, Dr Benny Peiser said:

There is abundant evidence that children are being badly served by the teaching establishment. Far too often, pupils are being indoctrinated into an irrational belief in end-of-the-world climate catastrophism, and bombarded with political ideas of extreme environmental groups." 

The announcement comes hard on the heels of new figures showing that increasing numbers of parents are choosing to abandon formal schooling entirely.
Dr Peiser said:

The new government guidance for teachers is welcome, but it remains to be seen if anything changes in UK classrooms. We will keep a close eye on the situation and will monitor whether the law of impartiality is being obeyed."

Note for journalists and bloggers:

In 2014, the GWPF published a report on apocalyptic climate education; Climate Control: Brainwashing In Schools

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